Religious Traditional Wedding Ceremony

Christian Ceremony

Chrristian ceremony on MauiChristian Ceremony

The Christian ceremony begins as follows: ALOHA, I Welcome you to this special event in which ——– and ——- declare before God that they have chosen each other. It is an occasion which is both solemn, as we reflect on the seriousness of their decision, and festive, as we share their joy. We are witnessing an important event in their lives. Our service is based on the relationship which ————— and ——————– share with each other, and on their faith in God. It is a covenant. We affirm their love for each other as part of God’s will for them.


At this time I would like to have you present to each other these leis. In Hawaii we exchange leis as a symbol of our love. The beautifully crafted lei with its hand-picked flowers and twine, carefully bonded together with love, is a reflection of your love and Aloha for one another. As you exchange these leis you will begin to weave your lei in life together with love. And now, with loving aloha (island style) please present your leis to one another with a smile and a kiss upon each other’s cheek.


O gracious and ever-living God, you have created us in your image. Look mercifully upon these two people who come to you seeking your blessing, and assist them with your grace, that with true fidelity and steadfast love they may honor and keep the promises and vows they make, Amen.

We gather here today to celebrate and dedicate the joy and deep meaning of the union of —— and —— in this sacred commitment. The essence of this covenant is the acceptance of each other as Lover, Companion and Friend. It is therefore a decision which is not entered into lightly, but rather undertaken with great consideration and respect for ourselves and each other. This ceremony can set the tone for your entire life together. It is the visible symbol of the ongoing wedding process in which the two of you grow in love and union. It represents the welding of two souls as one. It is also a demonstration of the bonding which will strengthen and free you to each grow in your unique way but still together.

Vow Renewal ceremonies we add the following:

Today, your individual memories, desires, and hopes come together in this union of love. This is the time for you to release the past to forgive any grievances, bringing only those memories, desires and hopes to this union of your future days together. Will you do this and are you now ready to exchange your vows?
If so please answer “WE ARE”


Option 1- Traditional Vows:

Do you————————take————————————to be your wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?

Groom: “I Do”


Do you————————take————————————to be your husband?  Do you promise to love him, comfort him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?

Bride: “I Do”

Option 2- Contemporary Vows:

Please repeat after me:

I, receive you, as my partner and love. Beside me and apart from me, in laughter and in tears, in sickness and in health, in conflict and serenity, asking that you be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you and trusting what I do not know in all the ways that life may bring.

BIBLE READING: (If possible we encourage a family member or bridal party member to do the reading) Reading from the bible taken from St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians
“Love is patient and kind…..


( Minister) May I have your rings please?
Your rings by their very shape are symbols of eternal unity without beginning or end. They are the emblem of the love that exists between you and characterize your devotion to one another. Let them always remind you of the commitments you make today.
(Each person places the ring on the other’s fourth finger on the left hand)

( Groom begins) ———–, with this ring I promise to grow with you,  to build our love, to speak openly and honestly,  to listen to you, and to love and cherish you for all the days ahead. From this day forward you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home.
With this ring I thee wed, in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, Amen

( Bride repeats same)



Lord God, our heavenly Father, we give thanks for the moment that brings ———— and ————- together in marriage. We recognize with thanksgiving the journeys that have brought them to this time, and we celebrate with them the hopes they hold for their life together. We ask your blessing upon them, to sustain them through the difficult and uncertain times that come to every relationship. We pray that they may continue to find in each other resources which will nurture their marriage. May they continue to grow together and may their love for one another deepen with the passing years. We give thanks for the nurture and support of family and friends. Let us, who share the circle of celebration today be renewed in our own commitments to one another. All this we ask in the spirit we have seen in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

And now by the power vested in me by the State of Hawaii it is my honor and privilege to pronounce you husband and wife (eternal wedded partners). You may seal this covenant with a kiss.

See other ceremonies